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Make money with Adbrite


I run 4 other Sites and Blogs which I promoted from ground up. This particular blog will just be about setting up your own blog, adbrite account and getting visitors.

Currently, I will tell you my experiences with Adbrite. I started making $30 a month on it in my first month. I felt like it is a good way to make easy money so I worked on it more until I developed a huge network and I now make approximately $6,000 monthly using Adbrite. I have only been using adbrite for 6 months. This is now my 7th month. I have now been able to leave my office work and I am a work at home 22 year old guy. I make more than my friends, my siblings, my father and my uncles and aunts. I was able to buy my first car which is an Mazda 3 doing just this and I am now in the process of getting my own house and condo. My earnings have been able to support all this and I am very thankful for it. Below is my current standing with Adbrite and I am looking for more ways to expand it.



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